I hate memes.
I really, really do.
I wish all memes would be banished from earth and sent to Hell where they belong. At least in Hell, they can be used to torture the residents of Malebolge.
Why do I hate memes?
Lots of reasons.
I think first and foremost, they’re instrumental in spreading false information. Not only that, but they spread false information in a smug, petulant way that makes you want to thrust your head through the computer, popping out of the screen of the person who shared it and bite their head off.
Second, is that they’re so easy to spread in high volume. One doesn’t need to dig a little for facts to support a meme, nor do they need to defend it because there’s yet another meme to do that. All one has to do for a meme is like what it says and click to share it with their friends, family and frenemies.
Memes, to me, are virtual fleas thrown by the handful onto the unequipped or the overly weary by people who believe that their fleas are the good fleas and you’ll benefit from their bite. If you don’t like their bite, that’s OK too, because they at least got…